You are black. Your story is unique and full of interesting facts and information. You should be able to share it!

Unfortunately I'm not very good at websites and stuff. I value privacy. I also understand that there's a lot of potential for foreign countries to ruin your stories.

It would be a good idea to prevent spam from robots. That means using a "captcha" service. I'm timid to use Google's Captcha service: Google shouldn't be able to build an AI from your story!

I think it would be good to tie your story to your phone number. ONLY your phone number. Not your name, not your address. A phone number means you've paid for service from a telephone carrier, so it isn't (usually) free. I don't know how to do that though. Also, phone numbers can be spoofed (that's why you get so much spam) so it's still not a perfect solution.

If you're interested in helping to set this up, you can contact me via email at