You are black. You are in a no-win scenario. You need to follow the law to stay alive. Even then you may be murdered in broad daylight by the same people you're supposed to trust. You know people who don't have to worry about the same things you do.

Just in the past few months there have been several high profile injustices.

You are black. You have to work harder to achieve workplace promotions.

You are black. Even when you follow the law you are likely to have evidence planted against you.

You are black. The people around you tell you that you need to vote to fix the system but most felons are not allowed to vote. Too bad more blacks are felons as a percentage of the black population than any other race's population of their own. To quote the Bureau of Justice Statistics from 2010:

That report is from a decade ago. The more recent report from 2018 really tries to emphasize that the number of black incarcerations is trending downward. Despite that, black incarceration rate is still significantly higher than any other race:

You are black. People around you are proud about the second amendment and that it exists as a check against the government. The second amendment gives you the right to defend yourself with a gun. Too bad felons aren't allowed to own a gun. DO NOT ATTEND A PROTEST WITH A GUN.

You are black. You are oppressed in a no-win scenario. It's time for that to change and you should participate. Black lives matter.